Mr. Buchanan to Mr. Gresham.
Buenos Ayres, November 19, 1894. (Received Dec. 31.)
Sir: The customs tariff law for 1895, having been reported to the Chamber of Deputies by the committee to whom it was referred, is now under debate. There is a slight possibility that nothing will be done with it and that the present law may remain in force another year. This is, however, hardly probable, the rumor owing its existence to the political situation arising from the cabinet crisis of which I have advised you.
There seems but little doubt of the passage of the bill practically in the form recommended by the committee of the Chamber of Deputies.
I am glad to inform you that the committee has approved the modification made by the Government in the tariff commission’s bill with relation to agricultural implements and lumber. These changes were reported in my No. 63.
[Page 4]I am also pleased to be able to report that the following favorable changes have been made by the committee in two items, to which also I referred in my No. 63, viz, farm wagons and fruits or vegetables in tins.
They recommend a reduction in the duty on farm wagons from 60 per cent, present duty, and 50 per cent, tariff commission’s recommendation, to 10 per cent.
On canned fruits and vegetables in tins they recommend a reduction from 30 cents specific tax per kilo, present duty, and 15 cents, tariff commission’s report, to 3 cents per kilo.
Should the bill pass with these changes, our manufacturers will have open to the last two lines of goods practically a new market, which they should at once take advantage of. While it is true that in farm wagons we have little, if any, competition, it should be remembered that in canned fruits and vegetables France will be an active competitor. I am, however, well satisfied of the superiority of our canned goods, both in quality and variety, and of the ability of our packers under normal conditions to successfully compete with other countries. I shall be greatly disappointed in the event of the passage of the bill if our manufacturers interested in these two lines do not find here a new and profitable market.
I have, etc.,