Mr. Uhl to Mr. Denby.

No. 1176.]

Sir: I have received your No. 2333, of the 3d ultimo, on the subject of the Szechuan riots and the punishment which should be meted out to the delinquent officials of that province.

Previous instructions to you will have shown you that the Department entirely concurs in the opinion expressed in your present dispatch [Page 163] that it is imperatively demanded that the provincial officials guilty in Szechuan should be punished, and that their punishment should be made known to the people of China through not only the Peking Gazette but also by posting the decree throughout the eighteen provinces of the Empire. As soon as you receive the report of our commission you will be able, it is not doubted, to successfully conduct the negotiations with the Yamên to this most desirable end.

I am, etc.,

Edwin F. Uhl,
Acting Secretary