Mr. Adee to Mr. Denby.
Washington, September 3, 1895.
Sir: I inclose for your personal information a translation of a cablegram from the Tsung-li Yamên to the Chinese minister here, dated [Page 123] August 27, 1895,* which was handed to me by the minister on the 29th ultimo. It has reference to the investigation of the Kutien riots, and requests that Mr. Hixson be instructed to exercise greater moderation.
In view of your cablegram of the 28th, the minister has been told that an instruction such as requested by him could not be sent to Mr. Hixson, whose investigation is apparently approved by you and consequently by the Department, especially as the request was too vague to act upon.
It is, of course, at the same time assumed that Mr. Hixson will bear in mind that the importance of his official position and the character of the special functions assigned to him demand a dignified and temperate though impressive treatment of the matters arising in the course of the Kutien investigation, as befits the Government he represents.
I am, etc.,
Acting Secretary