Mr. Uhl to Mr. Tripp.

No. 141.]

Sir: I inclose for your information a copy of a note from the Austro-Hungarian minister of the 1st instant,1 and of the Department’s reply of the 8th,2 in regard to his inquiry concerning the case of Frederick Hillebrandt, to whom a passport, No. 3897, was issued August 7, 1893. I add, also, a copy of Mr. Hillebrandt’s application of August 4, 1893, as well as a copy of an instruction, No. 19, of November 26, 1892,3 to the United States minister at St. Petersburg, in a somewhat similar case, and which emphasizes the point that this Government expects its passports to be accepted abroad as prima facie evidence of citizenship. When their validity is assailed by competent proof, the hearty cooperation of this Government may be relied upon to investigate and determine the disputed point.

I am, etc.,

Edwin F. Uhl