Mr. Bayard to Mr. Soteldo.
Washington, April 3, 1885.
Sir: With reference to my interview with you of yesterday, I have now the honor to state that my understanding of the terms agreed upon as a final settlement of the claim of John E. Wheelock against Venezuela is as follows:
Venezuela promises to pay, as an indemnity to John E. Wheelock for the injuries inflicted upon him at the hands of the authorities of that Republic in the year 1879, the sum of $6,000. Of this lump sum $3,600 is to be paid in three months and $3,000 in six months from this date.
This Government cannot but regard the amount so fixed as most inadequate to compensate Mr. Wheelock for the bodily suffering and the pecuniary losses he sustained. In consideration, however, of the long delay which has already occurred in reaching an agreement in this case, and in consideration, moreover, of the assurance which you have given that the sum of $6,000 is in excess of what you were authorized by your Government to pay, I am constrained to look upon the settlement as the best that could be obtained, and it is accordingly accepted, contingent upon the faithful fulfillment by Venezuela of the terms of the agreement above cited, as a final satisfaction of the claim of John E. Wheelock against the Republic of Venezuela.
I beg to add, Mr. Minister, an expression of my own gratification that this question, which has been a matter of controversy between the two Governments for so many years, may be looked upon at last as finally adjusted.
Accept, &c.,