Mr. Baker to Mr. Bayard.
Caracas, May 6, 1885. (Received May 22.)
Sir: Referring to your No. 51, of date March 24 last, and to my No. 80, of date 22d ultimo, both relative to the case of the American schooner Lanie Cobb, and also to your subsequently received Nos. 56 and 59, of the respective dates of the 9th and 22d ultimo, relative to the same subject, I have the honor to inclose herewith:
- (1)
- A copy of a dispatch (No. 43) from Mr. Bird, United States consul at La Guayra, to myself, of date 25th ultimo, inclosing to me the official information relative to the injury done to the American schooner Lanie Cobb by the Venezuelan schooner Ana Eulogia.
- (2)
- A copy of another dispatch (No. 44) from Mr. Bird to myself, of date the 4th instant (written at Caracas), indicating that he had been informed, and that he believed, that the master of the Lanie Cobb, at some trifling expense, recovered his anchor and chain before sailing from the port of La Guayra, which, in the estimate of repairs, were valued in the sum of $878; and further indicating that all the official information in the case, as furnished me in his said No. 43, was promptly transmitted to the Department of State.
In compliance with your said instruction No. 51, I have given the case all possible attention at the earliest practicable moment, with the result that the officially-stated facts in the case, from the consulate at La Guayra, appear to me to warrant a demand by our Government on that of Venezuela for damages in favor of the master of the Lanie Cobb, keeping in view what Mr. Bird says respecting the recovery of the anchor and chain of said vessel.
However, from abundance of caution, I will add, that inasmuch as it appears that the officially-stated facts in the case, from the consulate at La Guayra, are now before the Department as before this legation, I recommend that they be carefully and critically examined before preferring the claim.
I am, &c.,