No. 69.

Mr. Whitehouse to Mr. Bayard.


In acknowledging receipt of the Department’s telegram of the 1st instant, Mr. Whitehouse says that the good offices exercised by Mr. Hall have been the means of preventing the assumption of the military dictatorship on the part of General Barrundia. He has been instrumental in prevailing upon the Government to adhere to legality, and, as a measure towards bringing about peace with Salvador, has advised a new ministry.

The legation’s every effort is toward a prevention of a renewal of hostilities with Salvador and threatened anarchy in Guatemala. Strict neutrality has been maintained throughout.

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The family of General Barrios left yesterday for San Francisco. It is expected that Barrundia will leave during next week.

Mr. Whitehouse has been assured by the Salvadorian Government that his communication with the Department will be unmolested. Upon this point he insisted. He thinks it possible that, if urged by the United States, the President of Salvador would consent to peace. He (Mr. Whitehouse) is on board the U. S. S. Wachusett.