Mr. Baker to Mr. Bayard.
Caracas, March 23, 1885. (Received April 20.)
Sir: Referring to my dispatch relative to the custody of ships’ papers in Venezuelan ports, * * * it now becomes opportune to add something further in the same premises.
It will be seen from my No. 768, of date October 15, 1883, that the matter was brought to the notice of the Congress of that year, but not determined, and it will be seen from my No. 877, of date March 26th [Page 903] last, that it came forward as unfinished business to the Congress of 1884, and I have now to add that, as it appears that that Congress did not determine it, it seems to have come forward as unfinished business to the Congress of the present year, which recently commenced its sessions.
I called this afternoon upon Señor Qüenza, and drew his attention to the matter at considerable length, and in a very earnest manner. He indicated that he would give it his attention. I shall follow it up with due earnestness, to the end of inducing a proper change in the Venezuelan law on the subject, to be made by the present Congress, if possible.
I am, &c.,