No. 590.

Mr. Valera to Mr. Bayard.


The undersigned, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of His Majesty the King of Spain, has the honor, referring to his note of the 6th instant, to send to the honorable Thomas F. Bayard, Secretary of State of the United States, the inclosed check for $7,987.80, being the amount of the claims presented by the United States Government to that of His Majesty the King in behalf of several American exporters of cattle to the island of Cuba via the port of Key West.

The accompanying table shows the names of the vessels, the number of head of cattle exported, the duties collected by the consulate of Spain, and the amount refunded to each exporter.

The undersigned minister begs the honorable Secretary of State to be pleased to acknowledge the receipt of this amount, and he gladly avails himself, &c.


Ministry of State—Section Of Administration.

Vessels. Head of cattle. Duties collected. Amount refunded.
North American steamer Alabama 11,644 $4,657 60 $3,493 20
Ellie Knight 5,976 2,390 40 1,792 80
Lucy P. Miller 4,272 1,708 80 1,281 60
North American schooner Asa Eldridge 1,435 574 00 430 50
Sarah Hall 1,279 511 60 383 70
Spanish steamer Guillermo 875 350 00 262 50
North American steamer Mira E. Pratt 421 168 40 126 30
Spanish steamer Habanero 275 110 00 82 50
American schooner Arietis 100 40 00 30 00
Alice Vane 100 40 00 30 00
Palma 97 38 80 29 10
American steamer Hutchinson 89 35 60 26 70
Morgan 57 22 80 17 10
Chase 6 2 40 1 80
Total 26,626 10,650 40 7,987 80