No. 538.
Mr. Foster to Mr.
Legation of
the United States,
Madrid, June 10, 1885.
(Received June 23.)
No. 319.]
Sir: Referring to instruction No. 312, of February
27th last, in regard to the Ocean Pearl, I am now informed by the minister
of State that the fine imposed on that vessel by the custom-house of
Matanzas, Cuba, has been remitted as to the part pertaining to the Treasury,
I inclose copies of the correspondence on the subject. By reference to my
note of acknowledgment it will be seen that while I recognize the spirit of
equity which has marked the action of His Majesty’s Government, I have
expressed regret that it was not thought possible to remit the whole of the
I am, &c.,
[Inclosure 1 in No.
Mr. Elduayen to Mr.
Ministry of
June 5, 1885.
Excellency: In reply to your note of the 31st
of March last, relative to the fine imposed on the captain of the
American vessel Ocean Pearl by the custom-house of Matanzas, I have the
pleasure to make known to your excellency that, as my colleague, the
minister of ultramar, has informed me, said fine in the part which
belongs to the treasury has been remitted.
I improve, &c.,
[Page 719]
[Inclosure 2 in No. 319.]
Mr. Foster to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Madrid, June 9,
Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the
note of the 5th instant, in which your excellency informs me that your
worthy colleague, the minister of ultramar, has condoned the part of the
fine which belongs to the hacienda, imposed by the custom-house of
Matanzas, Cuba, on the American vessel Ocean Pearl.
I hasten to recognize the spirit of equity which has marked the conduct
of his Catholic Majesty’s Government in this matter, and will take great
pleasure in communicating the same to Washington. It is only to be
regretted that the existing customs regulations prevent, in the opinion
of your excellency’s Government, the remission of the whole fine
I gladly embrace, &c.