No. 524.

Mr. Reed to Mr. Frelinghuysen.

No. 310.]

Sir: Referring to your instruction No. 289, and to my dispatch No. 301, relating to the translation of manifests in Cuba and Porto Rico, I have now the honor to inclose herewith, for your further information, a copy and translation of a note from the minister of state, dated the 19th instant, by which it will be observed that the minister of ultramar has decided that when it is shown to the satisfaction of the treasury officials of the provinces of ultramar that the fault in a manifest is only due to an error in translation, the captains of vessels will not be liable to fine or to any responsibility.

The decision of the minister of ultramar would seem to cover the request contained in my note of the 8th of December last, a copy of which accompanied my No. 301.

I have, &c.,

[Inclosure in No. 310.–Translation.]

Mr. Elduayen to Mr. Reed.

My Dear Sir: Having given account to my colleague, the minister of ultramar, of the note which you were pleased to address me on the 8th of December last, he informs me that it has been recently decided that, when it is shown to the satisfaction of the treasury officers of the provinces of ultramar that the fault in a manifest is only due to an error in translation, the captains of vessels will not incur a fine or any responsibility.

I avail, &c.,