No. 503.

Mr. Bayard to Mr. Lothrop.

No. 4.]

Sir: Referring to instruction No. 15 of March 30 last, and to the act of Congress therewith inclosed, I have to say that Lieut. William H. Schuetze, United States Navy, has been detailed by the honorable Secretary of the Navy to transport to Russia and to supervise the distribution of the testimonials provided by this Government for the Russian [Page 666] benefactors of the survivors of the ill-fated Jeannette exploring expedition, and will sail about the 8th proximo.

You will please notify the Russian Government of Lieutenant Schuetze’s contemplated early arrival, and apply for the extension of the usual courtesies on that occasion, and the free entry of his personal effects and the medals and other testimonials which he brings with him.

You will, of course, do all in your power to facilitate the full accomplishment of the purpose of Congress, and towards giving proper expression to the message of gratitude and good-will of which Lieutenant Schuetze is the bearer, in the name of the President.

I am, &c.,