No. 50.
Mr. Whitehouse to Mr.
Legation of
the United States in Central America,
Guatemala, March 8, 1885.
(Received April 3.)
Sir: In my dispatch of the 6th instant I stated
that Salvador and Honduras had sent their adhesion to President Barrios’
decree, and I based this assertion on the assurances of one of the cabinet
ministers. I now find I must moderate it.
Honduras immediately and unreservedly adhered, but President Zaldivar, of
Salvador, vacillated, sending ambiguous telegrams of congratulations, but
stating that it would be necessary for him to convoke his Congress and
submit the matter to them.
This, as will be seen by the inclosed correspondence, President Barrios deems
to be entirely unneccessary.
It is very generally expected that war will be declared within a few
Nothing has as yet been made public concerning the answers received form
Nicaragua and Costa Rica.
I am, &c.,
President Barrios
to President Zaldivar.
Guatemala, March 8,
Relying upon frequent assurances and promises which you and General
Bogran gave me to stand by me in the endeavor of union, I communicated
to you and to him, as also to Dr. Cardenas and General Fernandez with
the same spirit the resolution adopted by me in the decree of the 28th
ultimo. General Bogran and the Honduras people have replied
patriotically and immediately to my invitation, giving their adhesion to
my decree and proclaiming the grand country that I desire for Central
America. Your Government does not reply, and I do not need to say why it
does not, but I reckon, as you know, upon the power and the elements
that are indispensable and upon the help of all good patriots of Central
America, in order to realize the union, and I am bound and disposed to
advance in the step I have taken, come what may.
With this view I to-day name General Menendez to take charge of the
military command of the western department of Salvador to raise and
uphold the flag of the Republic of Central America; and I hope that you,
who in your telegram two days ago still say you are with me and will
share my fate, will give prompt and efficient orders to recognize and
obey General Menendez forthwith in his rank of delegate of the supreme
military commander of Central America, which I am exercising.
I will add that I did not assemble Congress in order to issue my decree,
in which I took such a great responsibility; that I informed it only
because it met on the following day, and that the Congress of Honduras
only took part because it happened to be in session, and that did not
prevent General Bogran from forthwith giving his adhesion to the great
cause. Yet you who have shown yourself the most enthusiastic and
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friendly, and whom I could have
expected to at once issue a decree of adhesion, calling together the
Congress to make them acquainted with my decree, instead of adopting the
more suitable, immediate, and energetic resolution.
My determination is irrevocable, and all that cannot forthwith support
the idea I have proclaimed will only serve to involve all the country in
a great revolution, for which I shall hold you, and only you and your
circle, responsible to Central America. To convoke Congress, as you
desire, appears to me entirely useless when there is in question a cause
which all the Governments, by their respective constitutions, are bound
to embrace and no Central American can dare to oppose. Delay in this
matter can only mean opposition, fear, or want of confidence.