No. 491.

Viscount das Nogueiras to Mr. Frelinghuysen.


Mr. Secretary of State: Referring to the expulsion from Bailunda of the five American missionaries with which you acquainted me in the letter which you did me the honor to address to me the 25th of September last, I have just received from the Government of the King, with the order to communicate it to you, the following information:

That the news of the occurrence has already reached the minister of the navy; but that the explanations indispensable to arriving at a definitive judgment of the affair are still wanting.
That the governor of Angola had announced that the governor of Benguela had received instructions to make strict investigation of the facts.
That as soon as the result of these inquiries is known, the Government of His Majesty will make a decision which will show its desire to let no sort of violence whatever go unpunished that may have been exercised in opposition to the habit of toleration and hospitality existing in all the possessions of Portugal.

Accept, &c.,

Viscount das NOGUEIRAS.