Mr. Buck to Mr. Bayard.
Lima, Peru, September 26, 1885. (Received October 24.)
Sir: * * * * * * *
The Government, as I learn by letter from Truxillo of September 19, has 500 very good soldiers at that place, sufficient, as is thought, to hold it for the present, while the revolutionary army of about 1,500 men are at points from 40 to 80 miles distant. There was a grand review of Government troops in Lima on the 24th instant, the feast day of Santa Mercedes, patroness of the Peruvian army. It seems to be generally estimated 3,000 troops were in line; and on the 25th instant, yesterday, it is claimed 4,000 troops, with 6 pieces artillery and 4 Gatling guns, including battalions 1, 2, 3, 7, 10, and two columns police, and squadron “Pacasmayo,” were sent out to move against General Cáceres. One division, it is said, is to march on foot to Chicla, the terminus of the Oroya Railroad; one to Canta, and one, it is thought, is to move to the interior from Ancon, and 300 men were sent by train to Quiro under Col. Rosa Gil.
On the 22d instant there was a meeting of Peruvians and foreign merchants to urge the Government to take vigorous measures to open the ports and roads to the interior, and to protest against the custom-house order for the forced dispatch of goods by October 1, which order was referred to in my No. 34, September 19.
It was resolved to ask the foreign ministers to urge upon the Government these points, and committees were appointed from each foreign colony to interview their ministers on the subject, and the members of the committee presented yesterday a memorial to the minister of finance, who discussed the matter with them, and assured them of his favorable desires, and that he would shortly give the matter due consideration.
[Page 620]The importance to commercial interests of recognizing General Cáceres as a belligerent, so as to secure protection to foreigners in his lines and in passing back and forth, has been a good deal discussed of late. Perhaps it would be well to inform me of Department’s views on the subject. I should not consider myself authorized to co-operate with the diplomatic corps in that direction unless instructed.
I have, &c.,