No. 446.]

Mr. S. L. Phelps to Mr. Bayard.

No. 246.]

Sir: I have this day sent you a cablegram to the effect that the revolutionary troops have mostly disbanded without fighting. The port of Mollendo has been declared open, and there is every probability that there will be no battle.

The revolution is virtually ended. An active skirmish occurred on the 25th ultimo, evidently accidental, which the Government magnified into a battle and victory over General Cáceres, and so cabled it. The details as they came in clearly proved, however, discontent amongst the revolutionists, and the only conclusion could be that their overthrow was a simple question of time. I did not cable you in consequence of the discredit given to the Government’s versions. Now, the news of the dismemberment, and desertion in part of the best battalions General Cáceres had, leaves no doubt that he has found it impossible to keep his unpaid and ill-supplied men together. His abandonment of Izcuchaca, a very strong position, where it was only necessary to hold a bridge, conclusively proves the desperate position in which he was placed. Chiefs of marauding bands will have to be hunted down, even after General Cáceres has disappeared from the scene, but the revolution practically is ended.

The Government is decreeing the reopening of ports closed by former decrees, which were issued in the full knowledge of the foreign office that they would not be allowed to injuriously affect American shipping or interests, except where a force afloat or on shore was present to enforce the mandates.

I wish it were in my power to express the hope that Peru may now enter upon a march towards recuperation, but I feel this is not probable,

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I have, &c.,