Mr. Hubbard to Mr. Bayard.
Tokio, Japan, September 24, 1885. (Received October 30.)
Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith, for the information of the United States Government, a translation (by the interpreter of this legation) of the official statement of the finance department of the Japanese Government, published in the “Official. Gazette,” No. 670, of date September 22, 1885, relating to the national debt in outstanding bonds.
It will be observed from this statement that the present bonded indebtedness of Japan is 229,002,960 yen, which at the present value of the yen is equivalent to $229,002,960 in silver dollars. The average rate of interest on these bonds is about 7 per cent., payable semi-annually. Of this amount, the Interest on 168,897,000 yen is payable in gold, and these last-named bonds are styled “gold salary bonds.” The remainder of the national bonds are payable in “kinsatsu,” or the paper currency of the Empire.
In this connection, I have to state upon unofficial information received that the Japanese Government are endeavoring to negotiate a new loan in London, where the financial agent is now, of $10,000,000, to be used, it is said, in the speedy completion of a railway system already begun, and in the inauguration of new lines, connecting the interior with the coast. Such a consummation, it is believed, will largely increase the agricultural and manufactured products as well as commerce of this people (both as to imports and exports) with other countries.
I have, &c.,
- Kinsatsu = paper currency.↩