No. 348.

Mr. Langston to Mr. Frelinghuysen.

No. 708.]

Sir: * * * * *

As to the matter of the release of Mr. C. A. Van Bokkelen, I beg to state to you at once that as I received your dispatch I received one yesterday from the Haytian Government, refusing to release him, and indicating that it will not, under the circumstances, do so, only as the pressure of force, real or probable, is brought to bear upon it.

I shall not cease, however, to do every possible thing to secure his release, according to your instructions heretofore given. But I shall hereafter labor in this case without hope, only as I am supported by the Department in the manner indicated.

A copy of the letter, or dispatch, herein mentioned, with its inclosure, I shall, of course, hereafter transmit.

I am, &c.,