No. 327.

Mr. Bayard to Mr. West.

Sir: I have just received your note of to-day’s date in regard to the proposed temporary arrangement touching the fisheries.

Undoubtedly it is our clear and mutual understanding that the arrangement now made is only temporary, and that it proceeds from the mutual good-will of our respective Governments, and solely to avoid all difficulties which might otherwise arise from the termination of the fishing of 1885 in the midst of the season.

I understand, also, that the same immunity which is accorded by this agreement to the vessels belonging to the citizens of the United States, engaged in fishing in the British American waters, will be extended to British vessels and subjects engaged in fishing in the waters of the United States. Perceiving, therefore, no substantial difference between our respective propositions and these statements as contained in our correspondence on the subject, I shall consider the agreement as embodied in our memoranda and the correspondence between us as thus concluded; and public notification to that effect will be given in a few days by the President.

I have, &c.,