No. 269.

Mr. McLane to Mr. Bayard .

No. 53.]

Sir: Referring to my dispatches Nos. 24 and 36. I have to advise you that the Chambers yesterday closed their session without, as I anticipated, considering the bill providing for the inspection of foreign meats and for the admission of American salted pork. This failure is accounted for by the pressure of other questions. For myself, however, I have to confirm the opinion already expressed to you that the influence of the French protective interests debarred the Government from any sincere effort to accomplish the desired legislation.

After the elections are held, which now engross the attention of all parties, I shall bring this subject to the attention of the Government with the view of securing a repeal of the prohibitive decree, urging upon it its paramount obligation to issue such a decree whenever the fact is apparent that no sanitary consideration calls for its continuance, unless, indeed, the result of these elections should render it expedient to defer the consideration of this question.

I have, &c.,