No. 259.

Mr. Morton to Mr. Bayard.

No. 774.]

Sir: Although I have not recently communicated with the Department in regard to the prohibition in France of American salted pork, I have not neglected the matter, and have availed myself of every occasion to press the settlement of this question.

As I informed you, a bill is now pending before the Chambers which cancels the prohibitive measures and substitutes a general system of inspection applicable to all countries.

As this law, although not as liberal as I could have desired it, satisfies the French importers of American meats, I have urged its passage, and expressed to both the minister of foreign affairs and the minister of commerce, my earnest desire of being enabled to inform you, before my departure, that the French Government supported it, and would endeavor to secure its passage at an early date.

In reply to these representations, I have received a communication from Mr. de Freycinet, a copy and translation of which are herewith inclosed.

I have, &c.,

[Inclosure in No. 774.—Translation.]

M. de. Freycinet’s note to Mr. Morton.

Sir: You were good enough to express to me the interest that the Government of the United States attached to the prompt removal of the prohibition affecting, upon entry into France, salted meats of American origin, which withdrawal is inscribed in a project of law pending before the French Chambers. At the same time you acquainted me with your desire to be able to take with you, at the termination of your mission, the certitude that this question was settled, at all events in principle.

[Page 368]

As you are aware, it was after a formal vote of the Chamber that the preceding cabinet was obliged to withdraw the decree of November 27, 1883, authorizing the introduction into France of American salted meats. The project of law which was afterwards laid before Parliament has for object the opening anew of French territory to the importation of American salted pork; in establishing at the entry a service of inspection. The commission charged with the examination of this project has decided in the same sense. At the present time it is for Parliament to decide, and the Government can only endeavor to hasten a settlement of the question.

I have recommended in a special manner this matter to my colleague, the minister of commerce, whose duty it is to come to an understanding with the reporter of the commission in order that the project may be shortly discussed. A solution must, therefore, soon be arrived at, and I take pleasure, sir, in giving you this assurance, to reply to the desire that you were good enough to express to me.

Receive, &c.,