No. 2.

Mr. Osborn to Mr. Bayard.

No. 450.

Sir: On the invitation of the president of the Republic, through the minister of foreign affairs, with two of his ministers, the diplomatic corps and some three hundred other guests, composed of governors of the provinces, senators, and national deputies, I accompanied him to Mendoza and San Juan, the capitals of the two provinces of the same name, to assist in the inauguration of the Andean Railroad, completed to those points. The city of Mendoza is located at the foot of the Andes Mountains, and at the pass or the mouth of the pass, through the mountains to Santiago, Chili. San Juan is also located at the foot of the mountains, but 90 miles north of Mendoza.

The road inaugurated was constructed by the Government at the cost of about $10,000,000, and with its connections connects Buenos Ayres, the capital of the Republic, with the two cities above named, a distance of about 700 miles.

A private company has a concession from the Argentine and Chilian Governments to extend the road from Mendoza to Santiago, Chili, which is now being pushed forward.

A portion of the country over which we passed is barren, but fit for any kind of agriculture adapted to the latitude, with irrigation.

It is peculiarly adapted to grape-culture on account of its volcanic formation, and we found the vineyards in a high state of cultivation and excellent wines produced.

The road inaugurated is equipped with American cars and locomotives, and it was with peculiar national pride that I witnessed most of the party, for the first time, introduced to the magnificent Pullman sleepers, seven in number, made in the United States, and which did us such good service on our journey.

After an absence of two weeks we returned to this city on the 18th instant, without accident or unnecessary delay.

I have, &c.,