[Inclosure in No. 22.]
Mr. Dawson to Mr.
Consulate of the United States,
Barranquilla, January 7,
No. 122.]
Sir: I beg respectfully to inform you that this
country is in a state of revolution, and that the revolutionary forces,
under the command of General Ricardo Gait an, have taken possession of
this city. All the steamers on the river have been seized by the
revolutionists, and most of them sent back to this port.
One of them, the Trujillo, commanded by Captain Bradford, an American,
and owned by citizens of the United States, had the tops taken from her
cylinders, 90 miles up the Magdalena, and brought to this port. Four
separate mails for Bogota were brought back here. Besides they were also
opened by the revolutionists, and $70,000 in Government funds and
$40,000 in specie extracted therefrom.
A battle has been fought at Ocano, and about eighty men killed on both
There is no communication between here and Bogota at present, and the
telegraph wire between here and Carthagena is reported cut in
thirty-five different places.
[Page 208]
Yesterday the military authorities here seized the river steamer Roberto
Calixto, owned by citizens of the United States in New York, to convey
troops to Santa Martha. I protested on behalf of my countrymen, but the
colonel in command ordered his soldiers to go aboard, which they did.
The value of the steamer was fixed at $60,000, and her use at $300 per
The Atlas steamer arrived in port this morning, but there is no cargo to
go by her.
I most respectfully request that a ship of war may be sent to Sabanilla
Bay immediately, in order, in case of necessity, to protect the lives
and interests of citizens of the United States.
All the local officers, governor of the province, collector of the port,
&c., have been changed by the revolutionists. This city, Carthagena,
Savanalaya, and Soledad are proclaimed under martial law.
I have, &c.,