No. 10.

Mr. Bayard to Mr. Francis.

No. 37.]

Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your No. 72, of the 10th instant, in the case of Louis Feinknopf, the American citizen who was held under arrest at Krakau for over three months, charged with owing military service to the Government of Austria-Hungary. You appear to have presented the suggestions of Instruction No. 30, of March 9 last, very discreetly, at the foreign office. The result is that His Imperial and Royal Majesty’s Government has expressed an acknowledgment of the unwarranted delay of the course of Justice in the matter, and, at the same time an unwillingness to entertain any proposition or take any action in the direction of affording reparation to M. Feinknopf in the premises.

You will not press the matter, but it would be well to list all such cases for future reference.

I am, &c.,