No. 96.
Mr. Logan to Mr. Evarts.

No. 24.]

Sir: Before the closing of the mail, I have time only to invite your attention to the inclosed note, just received, from the Government of Honduras. No. 1 is a copy of the original note, and No. 2 a translation thereof.

The note explains itself, and furnishes, perhaps, additional suggestiveness to the remarks upon the subject of expatriation in my despatch No. 22. Two chief inquiries present themselves to me in connection with it: first, whether our government should permit the recognition of Mr. Burchard to rest upon the basis given it by the minister—that of an exceptional courtesy, necessitating a return of the courtesy when it might not be convenient or proper to extend it; and second, what the consequences of a disputed nationality might be to Mr. Burchard personally, or to his heirs at a future period?

I shall be glad to receive an expression of opinion from you upon the subject.

I have, &c.,

[Inclosure 2 in No. 24.—Translation.]

Mr. Rosa to Mr. Logan.

Sir: I have had the honor to receive the esteemed note of your excellency dated the 2d of June last, conveying information of the nomination which your excellency’s government has made in favor of William C. Burchard, accrediting him with the character of consul of the United States of America at the ports of Truxillo and Omoa in this republic.

Although my government has adopted the principle of not recognizing in the diplomatic or consular service of a foreign nation any citizen of Honduras, and Mr. Burchard must be so considered, since he has resided many years in the country and has [Page 107] discharged important functions requiring as a positive condition, the quality of citizenship, yet in view of the friendly relations which hind this government with that of the United States, and the good qualities which distinguish Mr. Burchard, he will be recognized in the consular capacity with which he has been invested, although against the rule which my government has adopted.

As soon as Mr. Burchard presents to the office under my charge the commission which accredits him as consul, the exequatur will be granted enabling him to enter upon the discharge of his duties.

With assurances of especial appreciation, I subscribe myself your excellency’s obedient servant,


Hon. Cornelius A. Logan, &c., &c., &c.