No. 91.
Mr. Evarts to Mr. Borges.

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 18thinstant, in relation to an extra charge of 50 cents per ton, recently exacted from the Brazilian vessel Foster at the New York custom-house.

In reply I have to observe that I share your view that it would be a subject of great regret were the commerce of the two countries to suffer in any wise from the absence of treaty provisions or legislation to prevent such charges. I have accordingly communicated with the Secretary of the Treasury, apprising him of the purport of your note and inquiring as to the circumstances referred to, and I shall avail myself of the earliest opportunity to inform you of the result of my inquiry.

Accept, &c.,


Councillor A. P. de Carvalho Borges, &c., &c., &c.