No. 86.
Mr. Torreão de
Barros to Mr. Evarts.
New York, December 12, 1879.
Mr. Secretary of State: The Federal Congress being now in session, I have the honor to remind your excellency of the promise contained in your note of the 20th of June last, with regard to the punishment of the crime of counterfeiting the paper money of foreign governments.
This legation having brought the aforesaid note to the notice of the imperial government, the latter, although it considers the measure as proposed to Congress of great importance, thinks that it does not meet the requirements of the case, inasmuch as the counterfeiting of notes authorized by foreign governments should be provided for in the law.
The government of His Majesty the Emperor would be glad to see the repressive measures made more ample, and the law governing the matter made to extend to the protection of bonds issued by foreign governments. A law embracing, for instance, the counterfeiting of treasury notes, government securities, bank notes, and similar representatives of value, together with the coinage of money and other frauds against foreign governments, or banking or commercial associations authorized by such governments, would supply the deficiency in the laws relative to bonds and notes issued by foreign governments. Printers and engravers should not be able to allege their ignorance of the law, and should not be permitted to execute orders without the previous authorization of the foreign legation or consulates established in these states.
The detect now existing in the laws on this subject would thus be supplied.
I have the honor to renew, &c.,
To His Excellency W. M. Evarts,
Secretary of State of the United States, &c.,
&c., &c.