No. 664.
Mr. Baker
to Mr. Evarts.
Caracas, August 10, 1880. (Received August 28.)
Sir: Referring to my No. 219, of the 19th of last April, respecting two prospective railways in this country—one from La Guayra to Caracas, and the other from Puerto Cabello to Valencia—I have now to add, for your further information in the same premises, that I find in the Opinion Nacional, of the 7th instant, a letter, of date New York, July 23, 1880, from Mr. Charles J. Bandman to General Guzman Blanco,. President of the United States of Venezuela, in which Mr. Bandman says:
I have the honor to communicate to your excellency that the engineers and part of the materials for the construction of the railway from La Guayra to Caracas will leave on the 16th of the ensuing month for Venezuela.
And, in the same letter, Mr. Bandman further says:
The same constructing company of the La Guayra-Caracas road will take in charge that of Puerto Cabello-Valencia; and if Providence lengthens my life, I win see within two years both roads completed and in public traffic.
I am, &c.,