No. 629.
Mr. Evarts to Mr. Comanos.

No. 136.]

Sir: Referring to Mr. Farman’s correspondence with the Department in regard to the presentation by His Highness the late Khedive of an obelisk to the city of New York, I have now to inform you that, at the request of the citizens of that city interested in securing this munificent gift of His Highness for the adornment of their native city, the Secretary of the Navy has granted to Lieutenant-Commander Gorringe, of the United States Navy, leave of absence for any requisite time for the purpose of superintending the transportation, from Alexandria to New York, of the obelisk known as “Cleopatra’s Needle.”

This dispatch will be handed to you in person by Lieutenant-Commander Gorringe, who is about to proceed to Egypt in fulfillment of the interesting and responsible task intrusted to him. I desire to bespeak for him all proper official and personal aid you can render him in his undertaking, and especially that you will accredit him to the Government of the Khedive as the person authorized on behalf of this government to receive, in the name of the city of New York, and to convey thither, His Highness’s generous gift.

I am, &c.,