No. 584.
Mr. Reed to Mr. Evarts.

No. 31.]

Sir: Referring to General Fairchild’s No. 74, I have now the honor to inclose herewith a copy and translation of a note from the minister of state, acknowledging the receipt of a copy of your instruction No. 52, and stating that its contents had been made known to the Government of His .Majesty, which had given orders for an immediate investigation of the events therein complained of. I also inclose a copy of my reply, dated the 21st instant.

I have, &c.,

[Appendix B to No. 31.—Translation.]

Mr. Elduayen to Mr. Reed.


I have made known to the Government of His Majesty the dispatch directed to your excellency, under date of the 14th August last, by the Secretary of State of the United States, a copy of which your excellency was good enough to leave with me.

The events which that document denounces have not failed to call the most serious attention of the Government of His Majesty, which has always endeavored, and of which it has given repeated proofs, as your excellency is already aware, to do justice to the reclamations of that of the United States, so soon as it has been demonstrated that they are reasonable and well founded.

It has been ordered, consequently, to proceed without delay to institute through the ministries of marine and ultramar the opportune investigation in respect to the acts which are attributed to the gunboats of the royal navy that cruise in the waters of the island of Cuba, and it is hoped that the result of this investigation, clearing up the facts and giving to each the importance which really belongs to them, will carry to the mind of the Government of the United S bates the conviction of the friendly [Page 930] sentiments which that of His Majesty the King cherishes for a nation with which Spain maintains such cordial and sincere relations.

I avail myself, &e.

[Appendix C to No. 31.]

Mr. Heed to Mr. Elduayen.

Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your excellency’s note of the 17th instant, in which you were good enough to inform the legation that you had made known to the Government of His Catholic Majesty the dispatch directed to General Fairchild by the Secretary of State of the United States, a copy of which was left with you on the 13th instant, relating to the firing upon, detention, and search of certain American vessels by Spanish gunboats off the coast of the island of Cuba.

Although the assurance given by your excellency to General Fairchild in your late interview with him, that the Government of His Majesty the King would at once proceed to investigate the facts of the events complained of in the dispatch of the Secretary of State, with a view to making prompt and proper reparation, has already been communicated to Washington, I shall take great pleasure in at once transmitting to my government a copy of your excellency’s note to which this is a reply, and in which your excellency reiterates those assurances.

I need hardly assure your excellency that the sentiments of cordial friendship therein expressed by the Government of His Catholic Majesty are most cordially and heartily reciprocated by that of the United States.

I gladly avail myself of this occasion, &c.