No. 58.
Mr. Neyt to Mr. Evarts.

Mr. Secretary of State: lam charged with the honorable mission of informing you that the Syndical Union of Brussels is organizing an international congress of commerce and industry on the occasion of the festivals to be held in celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the independence of the kingdom.

The King has been pleased to lend his patronage to the work of the Syndical Union, and the minister of public works has accepted the honorary presidency of the congress. This will meet at Brussels on the 6th of September next, and the committee of organization expresses the hope that the Government of the United States will be represented therein by one or more delegates.

I inclose herewith a copy of the programme* of the operations of this association, which will serve to show the place which international questions will hold in the labors of the congress.

Accept, sir, &c.,

  1. Omitted from the present publication owing to its length.