No. 553.
Mr. Evarts to Mr. Hoffman.

No. 95.]

Sir: Your telegram of the 21st instant, concerning the late attempt on the life of the Emperor, has been received.

On the 20th instant I telegraphed you as follows:

Communicate to Russian Government the President’s hearty congratulations and joy upon the providential escape of the Emperor and imperial family, and his horror at the sacrifice of life which the wicked attempt has caused.

The Emperor is well aware that the sentiments of the President and of the good people of the United States are always strongly enlisted in favor of the peace and well-being of Russia. Such a plot as this, to which your telegram refers, will never fail to excite horror in the minds of this people, and draw upon the heads of all who participate in such counsels or approve such methods the severest condemnation of public opinion throughout this country and among all classes of our population.

I am, sir, &c.,