No. 548.
Mr. Hoffman to Mr. Evarts.
St. Petersburg, December 5, 1879. (Received December 22.)
Sir: I had the honor to write you yesterday a short dispatch in reference to a reported attempt upon the Emperor’s life. I then stated that * * * the Emperor was not in the wrecked train, and no one in it was hurt; and that I thought it not improbable that this was an attempt on the part of the Nihilists to add to the apprehension and distrust in the government, and thus give rise to further and severer repressive [Page 867] measures, leading to additional discontent among the middle classes.
I find to-day that the government itself regards the explosion as an attempt upon the Emperor’s life, and that Te Deums for his preservation are being celebrated throughout the capital. I have, therefore, thought it well to send you a telegram, a copy of which will be found below.
The particulars of the affair are as follows: On his way from the Crimea to Moscow His Majesty traveled with two trains, he occupying the second, and part of his suite, with his baggage, occupying the first. Arriving at Sympheropol and finding the advance train still there, he gave orders for his own train to proceed first. This was done. The Emperor arrived at Moscow and was safely lodged in the palace of the Kremlin, when the second train, on entering the suburbs of the city, was partially wrecked. Two or three baggage cars were destroyed, but none of the passengers were injured.
The first impression, as related by one of the suite, was that it was an ordinary railroad accident. Upon removing the snow, however, electric wires were discovered, which, being followed, led to an unoccupied house near the line. Inquiry showed that this house had been hired some months before by a man and his wife, who had apparently been digging a cellar beneath it, but in reality were constructing a subterranean passage leading to the line at a distance of one hundred and fifty feet. The wires were concealed behind the wall paper, and the batteries were inclosed in common wooden boxes.
The criminals have not yet been arrested. They are, however, known by sight to so many people that it is thought that they cannot escape.
I have, &c.