No. 512.
Mr. Evarts to Mr. Mathews.

No. 179.]

Sir: This Department is in receipt of a communication from Mr. Adolphe L. Sanger, secretary of the board of delegates of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations in New York, acquainting it with the designation of Mr. Levi A. Cohen as the accredited agent of that board at Tangier, Morocco, to look after the interests of Hebrews in that locality. It is one of the purposes of Mr. Cohen’s appointment that he should present to you authenticated facts in relation to any wrong which may be done to Hebrews in Morocco, in order that the perpetrators thereof may be punished and reparation made in proper cases. The board of delegates in communicating this information desires that you may be officially advised of the capacity with which Mr. Cohen, who resides at Tangier, is invested, and that your co-operation with him may be invited.

Your earnest and urgent intercessions in behalf of this persecuted race in Morocco have for some time past commanded the cordial sympathy and approval of this Department. In view of this it seems unnecessary to do more than acquaint you with the mission undertaken by Mr. Cohen as the representative of the large and influential Hebrew organizations of this country; and in the interest of humanity and civilization you will doubtless upon any future occasion continue your good offices in behalf of the Jewish race.

I am, &c.,