No. 502.
Mr. Hunter to Señor Navarro.
Washington, September 22, 1880.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 3d instant, requesting the extradition of the eight Mexican revolutionists who were in the custody of Captain Rafferty, of the Sixth Regiment of United States Cavalry, now stationed in the Territory of Arizona.
In reply, I have to state that that officer appears to have received the prisoners from the United States marshal there, who probably holds them on a charge of violating the neutrality law of the United States, in making a hostile incursion into Mexico.
Under these circumstances the answer of the Territorial authorities to the Mexican agent who, it seems, applied for their surrender was necessarily in the negative.
In any event, it would not be competent for this Department to take any steps with a view to the extradition of the prisoners unless their names shall have been furnished, and the offenses with which they are charged shall have been specified. The fact, too, that they are charged with being revolutionists shows that whatever may have been their other crimes they may also have been guilty of a political offense for which the treaty stipulates that no extradition shall be granted.
I avail, &c.,
Acting Secretary.