No. 469.
Mr. Weill to Mr. Evarts.

No. 7.]

Sir: Referring to department’s No. 727, I have to state that I informed the Mexican minister of foreign affairs of the repeal of the order issued to General Ord by the War Department under date of June 1, 1877, and in reply I received from Mr. Ruelas the note of which I herewith inclose a copy.

I am, &c.,

[Inclosure in No. 7.—Translation.]

Mr. Ruelas to Mr. Neill.

Sir: Your note dated the 17th instant, inclosing copy of a communication from the Department of War of the United States to the General in Chief of the Army, announcing the revocation of the order of the 1st of June, which authorizes the passage of American troops into Mexican Territory under circumstances which it describes, has been received.

The President has been informed of that measure, which was dictated by the Government of the United States in justice to Mexico, and sees in it a proof of the desire that the relations between the two republics may be sincere and cordial.

As the Government of Mexico participates in the same sentiments, I have the honor to state it to you, upon replying to your said note, to whom it is pleasant for me to-reiterate upon this occasion the assurances of my attentive consideration.