No. 452.
Mr. Weill to Mr. Evarts.

No. 1054.]

Sir: I inclose here with a note from the Mexican Government, in which it is stated that the United States steamer Tuscarora, engaged in the Coast Survey, recently landed a part of her crew on the coast of Oaxaca, without due notice having been given to the Mexican authorities, but that these authorities had been ordered nevertheless to furnish the officers of said steamer with any assistance required.

The minister of foreign affairs also said in his note that he had been instructed by the President to call attention to the convenience of advice being given to the authorities of Mexico whenever works of this nature are undertaken on its coasts. In my reply I thanked the minister for the assistance ordered to be given, and stated that I would forward a copy of his note to my government and call attention to the part referring to the convenience of notice being given to the Mexican Government when it is necessary to land men.

I am, &c.,

[Inclosure in No. 1054.]

Mr. Ruelas to Mr. Neill.

Sir: I have the honor to state to you that the government has learned that the United States war steamer Tuscarora arrived some time ago on the coast of Oaxaca, for the purpose of making scientific reconnoissances, landing for this object a part of its crew, without notifying the Mexican authorities. The government, nevertheless, has issued the necessary orders to the end that these authorities may furnish the officers of said vessel any aid and assistance they may require.

In this connection I have been instructed by the President to state to your legation the convenience of advising the Government of Mexico, as has been done on other occasions, in order to avoid difficulties, of whatever works of this kind that may be undertaken by the Navy of the United States of America, so that in each case the necessary measures may be dictated.

I improve, &c.,