No. 431.
Mr. Bingham to Mr. Evarts.
Tokei, February 6, 1880. (Received March. 15.)
Sir: Herewith I have the honor to inclose for your information copies of the “eighth report of the postmaster-general of Japan,” for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1879.
From this report it appears that the revenues of the postal department for the fiscal year were 949,357.01 yen, and that the expenditures for the; year were 826,378.98 yen, showing that the revenues exceeded the expenditures by 122,000 yen in round numbers, a showing by which other governments might profit.
Of mails the report shows that 55,775,206 letters were transmitted during the year.
The aggregate length of mail routes was 36,052 English miles, and this within a territory of about 150,000 square miles. The whole number of post-offices, as reported, is 7,439.
The report also refers to the Paris postal convention of June 1, 1878, and the connection of this government therewith, and states that by ts operation over nearly the entire globe, while there has been a large increase in the postal service there has been a decrease of postal expenditure.
Of the foreign mails from Japan, of letters, the total, in round numbers, was 174,000, of which 72,000 were dispatched to the United States, and 55,000 by way of the United States.
Of foreign letters received, the total number of letters was 105,000 in round numbers, of which 55,000 came from the United States. Of printed matter forwarded and received by the foreign mails, fully one-half went to and came from the United States.
Of letters actually lost through the mails during the year, there were but 341, and the total loss of money transmitted through the mails was but 44.59 yen.
The aggregate value of the postal money-orders for the year was 3,704,383.78 yen.
In the post-office savings-banks there was an increase of deposits over the preceding year of 172,000 yen, in round numbers. The total number of these banks was 507, and the whole amount of deposits for the year 393,000 yen, in round numbers.
The reports are in all respects creditable to this government.
I have, &c.,