No. 43.
Mr. Kasson
to Mr. Evarts.
Vienna, May 29, 1880. (Received June 14.)
Sir: In my No. 298 I advised you that the increasing emigration to the United States from certain counties in Hungary was attracting public attention, and had inspired a humane proposition to check it by the grant of public lands in Hungary to the destitute.
The subject has now been brought before the Hungarian Diet by a petition from the county of Saros, which is alarmed at the depopulation going on. It is stated that the people of that region are emigrating en masse, and that the agents who are selling the tickets for the voyage have difficulty in satisfying the demands for them This spring the number of the emigrants from one county is over 3,000, of whom 1,007 have left their families, and 560 were held to render their military service.
This county demands the restriction of emigration by the examination of passports at the frontier, and by a control to be exercised by means of an international convention; and that they should, through the medium of the consulates, make provision for the return home of such of these people as may desire it, after they shall be “undeceived.”
I have, &c.,