No. 421.
Mr. Bingham to Mr. Evarts.

No. 997.]

Sir: Referring to my No. 722, of date of 31st January, 1878, in which I had the honor to inclose the report of His Imperial Japanese Majesty’s department of education, showing the number of schools in this empire, the number of pupils in attendance thereat, the number of instructors employed, the amount annually expended in the support of the schools and the amount of the surplus school fund, I now take pleasure in further acquainting you that by a notification issued by his excellency, the prime minister of His Majesty, certain school regulations have been adopted and published by which the schools are open to all the children of Japan between the ages of six and fourteen years, and by which their education for at least four months annually for the period of four consecutive years is made compulsory upon their parents and guardians.

I beg leave to call your attention to articles 13 and 17 of the regulations, a copy of which, together with the notification thereof, as published in the Japan Weekly Mail of the 18th instant, I have the honor to inclose.

It is certainly greatly to the credit of His Majesty’s Government that in some measure the liberty to learn and to know has by law been assured to all the children of the empire.

I have, &c.,

[Inclosure in No. 997.]

(Extract from the Japan Weekly Mail, October 18, 1879.)

educational regulations.

  • Article 1. All affairs connected with education throughout the country will be under the sole control of the minister of education. All public and private schools, and all public libraries, &c., will therefore be under the supervision of the minister.
  • Art. 2. Schools will be divided into primary and high schools, colleges, normal schools, technical schools, and others of different kinds.
  • Art. 3. Primary schools are for giving general education to children, and the subjects for study will be the elementary parts of reading, writing, mathematics, geography, history, moral science, &c. According to the state of the district, drawing, music, gymnastics, &c., or the outlines of natural philosophy and history, &c., will be added. Sewing classes will be established for girls.
  • Art. 4. High schools are for giving general education to advanced students.
  • Art. 5. Colleges are for the study of special branches, such as law, science, medicine, literature, &c.
  • Art. 6. Normal schools are for the instruction of teachers.
  • Art. 7. Technical schools are for the study of special branches of science or industry.
  • Art. 8. Every person will be allowed to establish any of the schools above mentioned.
  • Art. 9. In all the provinces a primary school will be established by the government in every town or village, or in several towns or villages where the population is small.
  • Note.—But in case there should be a good private primary school in any town or village, the government need not establish one.
  • Art. 10. Officers will be appointed to take charge of educational affairs in towns and villages.
  • Note.—The number of the officers and their salaries will be decided according to the convenience of the towns or villages.
  • Art. 11. Such officers will be selected by the people of the town or village to which they are appointed.
  • Art. 12. The officers will be under the supervision of the governors of Fu or Ken, and will control all matters connected with the education of children and the establishment and maintenance of schools.
  • Art. 13. From their sixth to fourteenth years shall be considered the “educational age” of children.
  • Art. 14. All children should receive general education for a period of at least sixteen months during the “educational age.”
  • Art. 15. The parents, guardians, &c., of children will be responsible for seeing that children during their educational age receive the required instruction.
  • Note.—Those who are unavoidably prevented from letting their children receive the required instruction must report the reasons to the educational officers.
  • Art. 16. In the primary schools established by the government, eight years are fixed as the period of study, and although this period may be shortened according to the circumstances of the locality, it must not be shortened to less than four years, and during those four years children must receive education annually, for a period of at least four months.
  • Art. 17. Even though children do not enter the school, if they have the means of receiving general education otherwise, they shall be considered as having complied with the requirements of the regulations.
  • Art. 18. In those provinces where the people are unable to provide the funds required for establishing schools, arrangements may be made for visiting teachers, so that the children may receive instruction.
  • Art. 19. The schools will be divided into two kinds, public and private. The schools established by means of the local tax, or by the public funds of a town or village, will be called public schools, and those established at the cost of private individuals will be called private schools.
  • Art. 20. The establishment or abolition of all public schools must be with the approval of the governor of fu or ken.
  • Art. 21. The establishment or abolition of all private schools may be done by simply reporting the fact to the governor of fu or ken.
  • Art. 22. The rules for education in public schools must receive the approval of the minister for education.
  • Art. 23. The rules for education in private schools must be reported to the governor of fu or ken.
  • Art. 24. The cost of maintaining public schools which have been approved of by the fu and ken assemblies will be defrayed out of the local tax, and the cost of maintaining public schools established with the consent of the people of a town or village will be defrayed out of the public funds of such town or village.
  • Art. 25. If it is necessary to grant a subsidy out of the local tax, to the schools established and maintained out of the public funds of a town or village, such subsidy must be granted with the approval of the fu or ken assemblies.
  • Art. 26. No tax will be levied upon the ground occupied by public schools.
  • Art. 27. Gifts from the people for educational purposes must not be used for any other object than those indicated by the donor.
  • Art. 28. The minister of education will grant to every fu and ken an annual sum as a subsidy to the public primary schools.
  • Art. 29. The governors of fu and ken will distribute the subsidy thus granted by the minister of education to every public primary school.
  • Art. 30. To those public primary schools which were opened for less than four months in the previous year a subsidy will not be granted.
  • Art. 31. Even to private primary schools a subsidy will be granted, if the governors of fu or ken consider them to be useful to the people of the town or village.
  • Art. 32. Such subsidy will also be granted to the towns or villages where the system of having visiting teachers is established, provided that the classes are open for over four months in a year.
  • Art. 33. Public normal schools may be established in every fu or ken according to circumstances.
  • Art. 34. The public normal schools will grant, after examination, certificates of the completion of their studies to the students of the schools.
  • Art. 35. The public normal schools will also grant such certificates, on application, to those who have not studied in those schools, after examination, and if they are found suitable in other respects, for the post of teachers.
  • Art. 36. The minister for education may grant a subsidy to any fu or ken, in order to perfect the establishment and working of public normal schools.
  • Art. 37. All teachers, male or female, must be above the age of eighten years.
  • Art. 38. The teachers of all public primary schools must, as a rule, hold certificates of competency from the normal schools.
  • Note.—Persons who do not hold certificates may be appointed if they are found to be competent.
  • Art. 39. The minister for education will dispatch officers occasionally to fu and ken to inspect the actual state of educational affairs there.
  • Art. 40. Both public and private schools must not object to be inspected by the officers dispatched by the minister for education.
  • Art. 41. The governors of fu and ken will forward a report annually to the minister for education, containing the actual state of educational affairs under their respective control.
  • Art. 42. In all schools the rooms for teaching males and females will, as a rule, be separate.
  • Note.—In the ease of primary schools the male and female scholars need not always be separate.
  • Art. 43. All schools may or may not, according to circumstances, charge fees for teaching.
  • Art. 44. Children who have not had the small-pox or who have not been vaccinated will not be admitted into the schools.
  • Art. 45. No person suffering from epidemic disease will be allowed to have access to the schools.
  • Art. 46. In all schools no corporal punishment (such as striking or binding with rope) will be allowed.
  • Art. 47. On the occasion of the examination of students, their parents, guardians &c. will be allowed to be present.