No. 419.
Mr. Bingham to Mr. Evarts.
Tokei, October 22, 1879. (Received November 28.)
Sir: I regret to say that the most recent official reports of Asiatic cholera in this empire, as published, show that the total number of cases from the commencement of the epidemic in April last up to the 11th instant, was 153,486, of which 86,644 proved fatal.
I cannot resist the conviction that’ this roll of death would not have been nearly so great if the Government of Japan had been aided and not resisted, as she was by certain foreign powers, in the laudable endeavor to prevent the spread of the contagion by land and maritime regulations.
Now that the great army of victims has fallen, it is a gratification to me to know that our government seconded the efforts of this government to save its people from the pestilence which for months has wasted the lives of its people.
I have, &c.,