No. 408.
Mr. Hay to Mr. Langston.

No. 124.]

Sir: Your No. 284, of the 2d instant, throws additional light upon the action of the Haytian Government in support of its pretension to the absolute right of expelling from its territory foreigners who seek to disturb public order, and to the application of this asserted right to consuls and consular agents, especially those engaged in business, who, it is further claimed, are subject to local jurisdiction. The subjects presented are of interest and importance, and will be taken into consideration. Meanwhile it may be said that there is no law on the Federal statute-book of the United States authorizing the expulsion of a foreigner, whether he hold a consular or official post, or be a simple private individual. The revocation of the exequatur of an obnoxious consular officer is probably as far as executive action in such matters could or would be carried by this government.

I am, &c.,

Acting Secretary.