No. 399.
Mr. Langston to Mr. Evarts.

No. 266.]

Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith inclosed a copy of a dispatch, with translation, received on the 29th ultimo from the Haytian Government, wherein was inclosed an “Annonce Hydrographique,” which, with translation, is also herewith inclosed and transmitted to the Department.

In his dispatch, under cover of which the inclosure mentioned is conveyed, Mr. Archin states that it is sent to be used as may be judged proper to advance the navigation between our country and Hayti.

Upon reading the announcement as to the lighting of the gulf and harbor of Port-au-Prince, it will be perceived that it is proposed to erect two light-houses, one upon the largest of the three small islands of the Arcadins; this presents a fixed white light, with apparatus of the fifth order, being situated according to chart No. 1588 of the depot of charts and plans of the marine of France, near latitude north 18° 46′ 50″, longitude, west 74° 58′ 20″. The height of the focus above the highest seas, 11m. Its compass, 9 miles.

The second is located at a point of the Lamantin 120 meters to the west of the old light-house now in ruins; this will present a red light with red flashes every thirty seconds; its apparatus is of the third order, situated according to chart No. 1197 of the depot of charts and plans of the marine of France, near latitude north 18° 33′ 21″, longitude west 74° 44′ 59″. The height of the focus above the ground is 28m.50. The height of the focus above the highest seas is 29m.50. The mean compass, 15 miles.

[Page 631]

Both these lighthouse are to be illuminated and used regularly daring the night season after the 1st day of next July.

According to the contract made with Mr. Clément Haenuens, as approved by the law of the 14th of September, 1878, he shall collect from the day of the lighting of these light-houses as by a memorandum to be submitted to the previous examination of the custom-house of Port-au-Prince, duties as follows:

Upon national vessels, sail or steam, engaging in foreign trade, upon their entry or departure, 3 cents per ton measurement, for each voyage.
Upon foreign vessels, sail or steam, upon their entry or departure, 6 cents per ton measurement, for each voyage.

Here is a remarkable discrimination, worthy of special notice, but it is one in perfect accordance with Haytian legislation on this and kindred subjects involving the interests of foreign snipping.

Upon the exorbitance of these duties, it is not necessary to dwell, in order to show, that for the service rendered it is out of all proportion and unparalleled. Two light-houses are established, one upon a small island of the Arcadins about thirty-five miles distant to the west of this city, the other upon the Lamantin, a point of land about five miles to the southwest of Port-au-Prince, extending out somewhat northwest into the sea. One has a fixed, the other a revolving light, the first is visible at nine and the second at fifteen miles. Such arrangement and the service connected therewith will cost, as already stated, 6 cents to foreign and 3 cents to national vessels per ton.

The great steamers will find it difficult to consent to pay such charges, and the result may prove to be serious damage to the navigation of Port-au-Prince.

The vessels exempt from this duty are foreign and Haytian war vessels, national vessels, sail or steam, engaged in the coasting trade, and vessels entering the port by stress, provided they neither load nor unload.

The clearance of sailing vessels shall be delivered only upon the payment of such duty, while the agents of steamers shall be held responsible for its payment on their account.

I am, &c.,

[Inclosure in No. 266.—Translation.]

Republic of Hayti.

Hydrographic announcement.

Atlantic Ocean.—Sea of the Antilles.—Lighting the gulf and harbor of Port-au-Prince.

light-house of the arcadins.

From the 1st of July next a new light-house shall be illuminated nightly on the summit of a round iron tower, painted white, recently constructed on the largest of the three small islands of the Arcadins.

This light-house will show a fixed white light.

Apparatus of the fifth order.

Its position, according to chart No. 1588 of the depot of charts and plans of the marine of France, is near latitude north 14° 46′ 50″, longitude west 74° 58′ 20″; height of focus above the ground, 9m.50; height of focus above the highest seas, 11m. Compass, 9 miles.

[Page 632]

light-house of the lamantin.

From the 1st of July next a new light-house shall he illuminated nightly on the summit of a round iron tower, painted white, consolidated by four piers, in construction at the point of Lamantin, at 120m to the west of the site of the old fixed light to-day destroyed.

This light-house will show a red light, with red flashes, every thirty seconds.

Apparatus of the third order.

Its position, according to chart No. 1197 of the depot of charts and plans of the marine of France, is near latitude north 18° 33′ 21″, longitude west 74° 44′ 59″; height of focus above the ground, 28m.50; height of focus above the highest seas, 29m.50. Mean compass, 15 miles.

[Extract from the contract passed with Mr. Clément Haenuens and sanctioned by the law of September 14, 1878.]

  • Art. 6. From the day of the illumination of the light-houses, the grantee shall collect, according to a memorandum which shall be made and submitted to the previous visa of the custom-house of Port au Prince, the following light-house duty:
    National vessels, either sail or steam, engaging in foreign trade, shall pay on their entering or leaving the port a duty of 3 cents, cash, per ton measurement for each trip.
    Foreign vessels, either sail or steam, shall pay on their entering or leaving the port a duty of 6 cents, cash, per ton measurement for each trip.
  • There shall be exempted from payment of such duty—
    Foreign or Haytian vessels of war.
    National vessels, either sail or steam, engaged in the coasting trade.
    Vessels entering the port in distress, so long as they do not engage in discharging or loading.
  • Art. 7. The clearance of sailing vessels shall only be delivered on the presentation of the receipt of payment of the light-house duty, and agents of steamers shall be held responsible for the payment of said duty.

Port-au-Prince, April 17, 1880.

The secretary of state of justice, charged par intérim with the portfolio of the interior: