No. 388.
Mr. Hay to
Mr. Comly.
Washington, June 30, 1880.
Sir: Adverting to the Department’s No. 58, upon the subject of illegal exactions of taxes by the Hawaiian Government upon American citizens, I have now to acknowledge the receipt of your dispatch No. 111, of the 8th instant, stating that that government has promised that in future all cases of illegal taxation of our citizens analogous to that of Patrick Quinn shall be disposed of upon simple application direct to the Hawaiian minister of finance, and that you have accordingly called the attention of that officer to twelve cases in which American citizens have been illegally required to pay taxes for which they were not liable.
In view, therefore, of the disposition of that government to settle these cases in the way indicated, and your action in regard thereto, you are instructed to inform the Department of the result of each individual case, when determined, and to make direct communication thereof to the parties in interest, when this can be done.
I am, &c.,
Acting Secretary.