No. 374.
Mr. Hoppin to Mr. Evarts.
Legation of the United States,
London, March 9, 1880.
(Received March 22.)
No. 163.]
Sir: Referring to my dispatch, No. 150, of the
14th ultimo, in relation to the delay of the British Government to reply
to your note on the subject of the Fortune Bay claims, I have now the
honor to inclose a copy of a note of Lord Salisbury, in which it is
stated that the report of the law officers of the Crown upon the case
has now been received.
I have, &c.
[Inclosure in No. 163.]
The Marquis of
Salisbury to Mr. Hoppin.
Foreign Office, March 2, 1880.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the
receipt of your communication of the 27th ultimo, informing me that
you had on the evening of the preceding day received a further
telegram from Mr. Evarts in relation to the delay of Her Majesty’s
Government in replying to the claim put forward by the United States
Government in connection with the occurrences at Fortune Bay in
January, 1878, and I have to state to you with reference thereto
that the report of the law officers of the Crown upon the case has
now been received, and that therefore the reply of Her Majesty’s
Government will be sent with the least possible delay, having regard
to the question under consideration.
I have, &c.,