No. 370.
Mr. Hoppin to Mr. Evarts.

No. 150.]

Sir: Referring to my Nos. 143 and 147, of the 7th and 10th instant, I have the honor to inclose herewith a copy of a note which I received late in the evening of the 13th instant from Sir Julian Pauncefote, desiring me to convey to you the regrets of Her Majesty’s Government for their unavoidable delay in answering your note in relation to the Fortune Bay claims. It will be observed that he gives the same reasons for his delay, and announces the same intention to expedite the action of the government here in this matter, which he stated to me at our interview on the 7th instant, and which I had the honor to communicate to you in the dispatches above mentioned and in my telegrams of the 11th and 13th instant.

I have, &c.,

[Inclosure in No. 150.]

Sir Julian Pauncefote to Mr. Hoppin.

Sir: With reference to the telegram addressed to yon by Mr. Evarts relative to the Fortune Bay question, a copy of which you communicated to me, I have the honor to request that you will convey to Mr. Evarts the regret of Her Majesty’s Government at the delay which has unavoidably occurred in answering the claim of the United States Government. On receipt of the report upon the case, which had been called for from the Government of Newfoundland, it was found necessary to refer certain points to the law officers of the Crown for their opinion, and owing to the great pressure of business after the Parliamentary recess, and on the reopening of the law courts, as well as from the volumnious character of the documents submitted to them, they have been unable up to the present time to complete their examination of the case.

They will be immediately requested to expedite their report, and as early as possible after the receipt of it I shall not fail to make known to you, for communication to your government, the views of Her Majesty’s Government on the question.

I have, &c.,

In the absence of Lord Salisbury: