No. 37.
Mr. Evarts
to Mr. Kasson.
Washington, March 9, 1880.
Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your No. 295, reciting a telegram which you had received from the commercial agent of the United States at Bucharest, to the effect that the Government of Roumania would be recognized on the 20th ultimo by Great Britain, Germany, and France, and stating that the minister of foreign affairs of his highness had asked of him what were the intentions in this regard of the Government of the United States.
In reply, I observe that in a recent note from the minister of the Netherlands in Washington, this government was informed that the principality of Roumania had been recognized by His Majesty the King of the Netherlands, and on the 28th ultimo the President caused the proper committees of Congress to be addressed on the subject of establishing diplomatic relations with the government of his highness at an early day. Meanwhile it is hardly necessary to observe that so far as the Executive Government of the United States could recognize that of Roumania without actual diplomatic representation, it was done by the letter of the President of August 15, 1878, to Prince Charles, touching the appointment of Mr. Timothy C. Smith as consul of this government at Galatz. You can, therefore, inform Mr. Paine that nothing seems now to be wanting to the full establishment of relations between the principality of Roumania and the United States but the desired action of Congress, which it is believed will not be long delayed.
Observing that the minister of the Netherlands has received similar information. I am, &c.,