Legation of
the United States,
Vienna, February 13, 1880.
(Received March 1.)
No 292.]
I have, &c.
[Inclosure in No
The Vienna Foreign Office
to Mr. Kasson.
The imperial and royal minister for foreign affairs has not omitted to
communicate to the competent ministries the contents of the esteemed
note which the envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the
United States of America, Mr. John A. Kasson, had the goodness to
transmit, under the date of September 3, of last year,
[Page 50]
and to submit to them for such proceedings
as under the laws of the country might be prosecuted against the
attempts at recruiting by agents sent by the sect of Mormons. In
pursuance of this, the proper authorities of the country have been
instructed to watch strictly over the eventual appearance of such
agents, and to bring immediately every apparent case to the knowledge of
the higher magistracy.
According to the reports now before us, only a single case has been
stated up to this time. It has been notified to the imperial and royal
governor of Carinthia that there appeared about two months ago a Mormon
agent in an inn in Olsach, district Spittal, in Carinthia, who, after
his efforts proved fruitless, immediately disappeared, without their
subsequently coming upon his track.
The undersigned reserves to himself the communication to the envoy of any
new occurrences of this class which may come eventually to his
knowledge, and avails himself of this occasion to renew to the envoy the
expression of his distinguished consideration.
Vienna, February 7,
For the minister for foreign