No. 284.
Mr. Evarts
to Mr. White.
Washington, October 7, 1880.
Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your No. 146, of the 1st instant, with its inclosures.
You have very elaborately set forth the condition of affairs as regards the remission of fines and penalties imposed upon adopted citizens of this country upon their return to that portion of Germany known as Alsace-Lorraine. After so long a time since the German Empire was established, it is to be regretted that such a change of position has been adopted, and especially made retroactive and without warning to this government.
Your repeated efforts to obtain a settlement of the question of the rights of adopted citizens of the United States returning to Alsace-Lorraine, some of which are cases of eighteen months’ standing, meet with the department’s approval. You will take occasion to express the great concern felt here at this change of position, and also the hope that this subject will receive reconsideration.
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I am, &c.,