No. 279.
Mr. White to Mr. Evarts.

No. 129.]

Sir: The grand annual spring parade of the troops of Berlin and its neighborhood, about thirty thousand in all, occurred on Saturday last, the Emperor being present on horseback, and to all appearances vigorous and happy. I spare the details; the only important point to our government appearing to me to be that by general consent among those whose knowledge and experience entitled them to judge, the review shows that the energy of the military authorities of Prussia in training their troops has not been in the slightest degree relaxed, but rather increased. A diplomatist of long experience in various countries in Europe, and who has resided for many years in, and only recently left, Paris, informed me that he had never in France or elsewhere seen at any parade or review so many of the qualities thought desirable in troops as were shown at this parade on Saturday; that it was by far the most perfect thing of the kind he had ever seen. All this goes to show that the German Government, while it is increasing its army, does not intend to allow its efficiency to be in the slightest degree relaxed, but to keep it up to the highest point in every respect.

I have, &c.,